Stealing Christmas

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Book Description

Don’t think there’s anything worse than not getting what you want for Christmas? Try finding out that you’re getting that gift you always dreamed of — only to have it taken away.

That’s exactly what happens to seventh-grader Mitch Murphy.

Just hours after discovering that he’s finally getting a Playstation 4 for Christmas, Mitch’s cousins get into a blowout Thanksgiving food fight and lose their Christmas presents as punishment. A mere bystander in the brawl, Mitch receives no mercy and is caught in the collateral damage.

Stripped of the gift he spent the past two years obsessing over, all hope is lost for Mitch … that is until he discovers where all of their presents are being stashed. With new life and one shot at his Playstation, Mitch must corral his motley crew of cousins to help him steal their presents back. But if they want to stand any chance of pulling off their holiday heist, they must first learn to work together.

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